Entrepreneur’s Group Coaching – Casey Cardinia

Make lasting chages… fast!

Where: Casey Cardinia Business Hub Training Room, 1st Floor 64 Victor Crescent, Narre Warren

When: Tuesday 8th November, 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm

Investment: $100 AUD (incl GST) plus booking fee – CCBG Member discount applies

Enquiries: Lydia Ropiha, 9705 5125, lropiha@casey.vic.gov.au

Welcome to mindXcel, where it is our vision to help you achieve your goals as an Entrepreneur/Business person.
mindXcel attracts people who are, or want to be Independent Thinkers, Do Something Different, find their unique Direction, and after joining a Program with us, many Entrepreneurs/Business Owners gain the Clarity and Understanding that they have sought for a long time.
The program’s outcome is to provide you with a New Self – Awareness and the ability to Think and Behave in New & Different Ways!

‘Great minds have purposes; others have wishes’

Do you ever wonder what it will take for you to improve on your Business Idea, Establish or Manage your business effectively? Perhaps it is lack of Direction, Confidence, Network, Sales/Marketing, Strategy, or perhaps you are not really sure if your choice of Business/Idea is really in-line with your Passion and Talents?
Maybe you know what you want and how you want it, but something seems to stop your ability to move forward, or you may find certain tasks/behavior too challenging?
Sound familiar? If so, then join me on a journey of Discovery & Change!

Who am I?
I am the owner of mindXcel (www.mindXcel.com), and have a background in HR, Management and Entrepreneurship of almost 30 years.
A licensed NLP Trainer since 2002, I train and qualify aspiring and existing Trainers and Coaches, and offer an extensive portfolio of Short Courses for Personal and Professional Change in Lebanon, the GCC, India, Germany and now in Australia.
Born in the Netherlands, raised in Germany, having lived in the UK, Dubai and Oman; I speak fluent Dutch, German, English, basic French and understand some Arabic.

People say that I am a ‘straight shooter’ and it is my intention to get to the heart of any challenges!
I focus on making the unconscious conscious to facilitate Lasting Changes.

‘During this 3.5 hour event, I will help you to Make The Unconscious Conscious!’

The ENTREPRENEUR’S GROUP COACHING/WORKSHOP is a Combination of Coaching, Problem Solving and Experiential Learning.
You will walk away with more SelfAwareness and Practical Skills/Tools, in order to Move Yourself and Your Business/Idea Forward!

Make lasting chages… fast!

  • Ingredients of great Entrepreneurs/Business Owners
  • Verbal Communication
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Influence/Persuasion
  • Providing Feedback
  • Setting Goals/Outcomes and Aligning Values
  • Selling Yourself
  • Time Management
  • Team Building
  • Delegation
  • Motivating Others and Self
  • Strategy
  • Successful Meetings
  • Listening with Intent
  • Creativity
  • Stress Management
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility in Thinking and Behavior
  • Questioning Techniques
  • Dealing with ‘Difficult’ Staff
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership
  • States/Confidence
  • Presentation Skills
  • Decision Making Strategies
  • Beliefs and Values
  • Language and Words that Work
  • Networking
  • Sales & Marketing
Every person has the resources within them to be a successful Entrepreneur / Business person. All of us are capable of learning and applying powerful skills such as Effective Communication, Motivation, Networking, Planning, Strategizing, Managing Others, Making Decisions and most Importantly – Taking Action! Entrepreneurs/business owner Think Outside the Box, and have the Confidence to make independent decisions.

They need to know HOW to extract the best from themselves and others and ‘use’ what is there to create something of value.

To do that, the entrepreneur/business owner needs to Think, Listen, Speak and Behave Differently.


‘The session was a very rich experience for me. The mind is bustling.’ Samuel L. ‘Group Coaching was a different experience for me, but I gained valuable information about myself and my start-up business!’ – E. Richardson Are YOU ready to Xcel?