Workplace Conflict Resolution

Replace conflict with confidence!

We deliver engaging conflict consultancy services that positively transform organisational culture and empower your relationships.

Conflict often involves a challenge to our goals, needs and/or values. We experience a trigger point and an internal response that has an ongoing impact on our behaviour.
Although conflict can be an opportunity for professional and organisational development, it can also be destructive and limiting.

The costs of unresolved conflict in the workplace includes stress, anxiety, absence from work, low morale, poor decision-making and ultimately loss of productivity and profits.

Unresolved conflict is very common in organisations and is often not addressed at an early stage. The reasons for this may be discomfort with emotions related to conflict and/or the lack of established processes for resolving conflicts!

Early resolution interventions will empower you and your staff and will help you save money!

We will work with you to understand the particular needs of your organisation and your staff to resolve complaints, improve difficult work relationships, build trust, overcome ineffective communication and establish a clear organisational plan of strategies and processes for a healthy and productive work culture!

Conflict Resolution Consultancy Services include:

  • Group facilitation development
  • Conflict coaching - a one-to-one process
  • Workplace mediation to resolve disputes between staff
  • Organisational culture development to create a workplace whereby staff experience a positive work environment and enjoy coming to work